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Preschool - 3rd Grade

Preschool 2s-3s

Pre-K 4s


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade
From Preschool - 3rd grade, our year-long DISCOVER learning adventures take a thematic approach as you and your child explore God's world through faith-building read-alouds, hands-on manipulatives, science projects, math, art, music, and Christian messages woven throughout the curriculum. Each Curriculum Package contains all necessary materials for use as a full-year curriculum.

Easy to Teach Daily Lessons

- Reading Readiness
- Hands-On Activities & Science
- Developmentally Appropriate
- Preplanned Daily Lessons
- Manageable Time Commmitment
- Bible Integration
Our Teacher's Manual includes pre-planned daily lessons outlining each day's readings, activities, and discussions incorporating all package contents into an easy-to-use structured guide. Minimizing daily planning allows you to do more of what you love - spending time with your child.
Bible Integration
A biblical perspective is thoughtfully and thoroughly integrated throughout the learning experience. As children learn about the amazing world they live in, they also learn to love and believe in the One who created it. Activities and Bible stories help develop practical life skills, focusing on Christian character development.

Hands-On Activities
In this complete program, children gain academic readiness skills with the alphabet and numbers and enjoy read aloud times. They'll learn about their community and make delightful science discoveries. They'll develop fine and large motor skills and increase in cognitive skills. Most important, they'll learn God's truth and be encouraged to live it in their lives.

"You have done an amazing job putting together the sweetest things for our little kids. Thank you!"
Rebecca H.

Preschool for 2s and 3sAll Aboard the Animal Train
This complete preschool program is packed with 36 weeks of easy-to-teach activities, fully scheduled and prepared for you and your child. Learn about 12 animals through finger plays, creative play, fabulous books, and colorful animal cookie cutters. We're excited about this fun, educational curriculum with Biblical values and character development!

Pre-K for 4sVoyage of Discovery
In this complete program, children gain academic readiness skills with the alphabet and numbers and enjoy read aloud times. They'll learn about their community — post office, fire station, church, grocery store — and make delightful science discoveries. They'll develop fine and large motor skills and increase in cognitive skills. Most important, they'll learn God's truth and be encouraged to live it in their lives.

KindergartenGod's Creation from A to Z
This year-long hands-on learning adventure begins with a two-week focus on the Creation story from Genesis, followed by 26 hands-on, easy-to-teach thematic units (one letter each week). Each unit focuses on an aphabet letter linked to an object in God's wonderful creation and a biblical character trait. Science activities and hands-on projects reinforce each character trait. Also includes reading, math, creative thinking, children's literature, and art.

1st GradeLearning God's Story
A complete curriculum with a phonics-based reading program that focuses on the Bible. God's story from Genesis to Revelation is read, narrated, and illustrated through more than 50 stories in the Bible Reader. Simple projects, such as making a Bible times costume, help students connect with the Word of God. The integrated lessons also include language arts, social studies, science, math, and art.

2nd GradeAdventures in U.S. History
Explore U.S. history and patriotic symbols from a Christian perspective with fascinating stories, hands-on activities, a timeline, and a student-created history notebook. Students study the names of Jesus, learning about His character while reading from their own grade-level Bible. Science lessons correlate with the names of Jesus, and U.S. history spotlights the Biblical character of America's forefathers. Also includes U.S. geography, art, music, and more.

3rd GradeWorld Changers
Create a time machine and travel back in time with this one-year overview of World History. Focus on 32 world changers — people who made a difference for God's glory — with fascinating stories, hands-on activities, a student-created History Notebook, and a timeline. Explore the world of science with an easy-to-teach introduction to inventions, chemistry, and physics. Develop STEM skills with pre-engineering building challenges, and enjoy nature walks with nature journaling.
Note: 2nd or 3rd graders with older siblings
join in the Family Learning Cycle. The material covered in
Adventures in U.S. History and World Changers is covered during Exploration to
1850 and 1850 to
Modern Times.