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How Literature is Included
Literature-Rich Curriculum
My Father's World strives to provide the best choices for literature in all of our curriculum packages. In addition, an extensive list of highly recommended, but optional, library books is included with each year of our curriculum. This allows My Father's World to provide excellent literature options for children of all reading levels.
There are Four Types of Reading Programs for Grades 2-8:
Read Alouds:Each year of curriculum for 2nd - 8th grade provides a core set of books scheduled in our Teacher's Manuals for Bible, history, and science. These books are read aloud together as a family. Reading time is followed by parent/teacher-led discussion, narration, and other activities designed for retention. Engaging literature for the entire family, including missionary biographies and other life-impacting classics, is also scheduled in our Teacher's Manuals and included in the package.
Independent Reading at Grade Level:Independent reading from chapter books is scheduled daily for 20-30 minutes. Books may be selected from a list of over 100 classic books organized by grade level, the Book Basket™ recommendations, or other chapter books of your choosing.
Thematic Independent Reading:Book Basket™ is designed to develop a love for reading using “living books.” Each of our Teacher's Manuals recommends hundreds of colorful picture books, chapter books, fascinating biographies, videos, and DVDs related to the history, geography, music, and science being taught each week. Some of these books may be borrowed from the library and placed in a simple basket (or box) at home. Students are then able to choose those titles that most interest them, exposing them to a wide variety of literature, while enriching their learning experience. Children who love to read also love to learn.
Reading for Comprehension:The use of narration in history and other subjects provides an opportunity to determine if students are comprehending the material being read aloud. In addition, our language arts provides both written and oral comprehension activities in response to various reading assignments. These activities are found in Language Lessons for Today and Progeny Press Study Guides.

One of the most prized elements of each My Father's World curriculum package is our proprietary Book Basket™. Each Teacher's Manual from preschool through 8th grade features a list of 300-400 pre-screened, twaddle-free library books that encourage a love for reading and learning. Books at a variety of reading levels are divided up by weekly topics so you can place them in a basket for your children to "feast" on each day for 15-20 minutes. Book Basket™ is a very special part of the learning process and is designed to develop a love for reading using "living" books.
How to Use
Suggested books (all optional) that align with the weekly teaching themes are noted in your Teacher's Manual. Collect some of these books from the library and place them in a basket in your school area. During Book Basket™ time, students choose books that most interest them, exposing them to a wide variety of literature while enriching the learning experience.
My Father's World is a literature-rich curriculum that strives to provide the best choices for reading while keeping annual curriculum costs at a minimum. All required books are included in our curriculum packages, but titles in the recommended Book Basket™ can be borrowed from the library to provide for more flexibility and cost savings.