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Synergy Groups
Learning Together!
Synergy means "working together" and describes the multiplying results of joining to create something greater than our individual efforts. A Synergy Group provides a weekly community where families encourage each other and gain the benefits of working together.
What is a Synergy Group?
- Weekly groups of two or more families, all using the same year of My Father's World curriculum
- Easy-to-teach Synergy Guide provides flexible structure with minimal preparation
- Friendship and accountability with like-minded families
- Weekly activities:
- Memory work (Bible passages from your Teacher's Manual)
- Speech opportunities
- Science, history/geography, art, and music activities (from your Teacher's Manual)—freeing up more of your time at home.
How do I begin a Synergy Group?
- Invite one or more of your friends to use the same year of curriculum as you — perhaps a family at your church or in your local homeschool group. You might invite a new family to consider homeschooling with the encouragement of weekly group times.
- The Group Leader (you) will need a downloadable Synergy Guide.
- Each family needs their own corresponding curriculum package to teach at home.
- Begin meeting once a week, teaching from your Synergy Guide.
Synergy Group Guides are written so that families using the same year of My Father's World curriculum can meet and participate in group activities. Activities are primarily those already scheduled in the Teacher's Manuals. We were careful not to increase the weekly time or work load for the parent and student. Group activities reinforce lessons learned during the week at home while also giving an opportunity for public speaking, public prayer, and group interaction.
Synergy Group Guides can be used with as few as two families. It's best to split into smaller groups if more than five families join. Attendance of all group members every week is encouraged but not required. Most activities that would be missed can be completed at home.
Groups meet for about two hours a week. Plan for quick transitions between activities and a short mid-meeting break. Actual times will vary from week to week.
- Opening Prayer — 3 minutes
- Recite Memory Verses (Current and Review) — 10 minutes
- Public Speaking Opportunity — 10 minutes
- Geography/History — 25 minutes
- Science — 25 minutes
- Art and Music — 25 minutes
We encourage groups to meet Thursday afternoon or any time Friday because some group activities assume parents have already taught lessons from their Teacher's Manual for that week. We believe afternoon meetings are best so that valuable morning home teaching time is not lost. My Father's World lesson plans generally are much lighter on Friday, so Friday afternoon may be an ideal time to meet.
Groups work best with a defined, repeatable structure. In Synergy Groups, activities change each week, but the structure remains the same, greatly reducing the Group Leader's preparation time.
Activities are designed for grades 2-8. Often, older children can help younger ones with an activity or experiment for true group learning. Younger siblings may participate as they are able. Parents are expected to attend all group sessions with their children.
Families teach lessons at home from their Teacher's Manual for the same week being taught in the group. Weekly summary sheets list activities from your Teacher's Manual that will be completed in group and won't need to be taught at home.
No homework is assigned, except for occasional minimal preparation for public speaking opportunities.
The 34 weeks of group activities will match your curriculum, week by week.
One person is the designated Group Leader for the year, providing cohesive leadership for the year and teaching all activities. Your group can designate a second parent as a co-teacher, or divide tasks so that each parent teaches a specific activity all year, such as science. However, it is still important to designate one individual as the Group Leader. All teaching parents will need their own Synergy Group Guide.
Synergy Guides
Download a free Synergy Guide to compliment the Teacher's Manual in your curriculum package.