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U.S. History 1877 to the Present Daily Lesson Plans
Daily lesson plans are in an easy-to-use weekly chart format that lists each subject with the appropriate book titles and page numbers to complete each day.
Lesson plans are written to the student for parent-guided independent work. There are 36 weeks of lessons, five days a week, with a somewhat lighter schedule on most Fridays. On Fridays, the student and parent have a conference to discuss the week's topics and review completed work.

U.S. History 1877 to the Present with economics, English, history, and Bible (3 full-year credits) is a one-year curriculum intended for 12th grade, to follow U.S. History to 1877.
Students will complete their study of United States history and delve into national and international events from a Christian perspective.
They will also refine their oral communication skills to be effective communicators for God's Kingdom and study economics and biblical financial principles.