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Thinking Like a Christian Student Journal
David A. Noebel and Chuck Edwards
Student journal to accompany Thinking Like a Christian Teaching Textbook (18880).
From TV news to public school classroom, secular ideas are presented as "the way to think" - sophisticated and scientific, contemporary and aware. Yet some Christians buy into this way of thinking because they don't know how in-touch the biblical view of the world actually is.
In the pages of this journal, you'll explore ideas that will help you discover for yourself a biblical worldview. Each daily session will be an eye-opening experience that gives hope, meaning and a greater understanding of how God fits into every part of your life.
The study is designed to build confidence in the reality of a biblical worldview and based on the book, Thinking Life a Christian, this interactive journal:
- Walks a student through the Christian worldview of law, biology, theology, psychology, politics, philosophy, sociology, economics, history, and ethics
- Gives an overview of each subject, poses questions, cites Scriptures, and provides plenty of space for students to write answers and observations
- Offers a guided course of study - 5 lessons per week for each of 12 weeks.
Thinking Like a Christian make it clear that biblical Christianity is the real alternative to the virtual thinking of our times.

U.S. History to 1877 is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates U.S. history, government, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).
Throughout the year, students will develop a biblical worldview in their daily life, in areas such as history, economics, law, and science.
This curriculum focuses on the time of early exploration to the Civil War and dives into the structures and functions of the U.S. Government through reading historical documents, political speeches, and literature written during that time period.