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World History and Literature High School Package
World History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).
As students journey through the curriculum's pre-planned daily lessons, they will experience spiritual growth as they read the entire New Testament and other thought-provoking Christian literature.
Students will also engage in readings and analysis of classic literature written in or about the historical period being studied while learning valuable research and composition methods.
Recommended for 10TH GRADE
World History and Literature
- World History and Literature lesson plans are written to the student for parent-guided independent work.
- On Fridays, the student and parent have a conference to discuss the week's topics and review completed work. There are 36 weeks of lessons, five days a week, with a somewhat lighter schedule on most Fridays.
- Parents assign grades for coursework based on informal discussions, essays for English and history, and daily written questions and quizzes for history. There are no formal tests for Bible or literature.
- You will need to add science, math, and electives.
My Father’s World has teamed with Unbound to create DECLARE Coaching, an online World History and Literature Synergy Mentorship program designed to assist high school students and parents. LEARN MORE
Educational Development with My Father's World
- Verse-By-Verse Reading of the New Testament
- Comprehension and Critical Thinking
- Classics and British Literature
- Research Paper
- Composition Skills
- Geography
- Read the entire New Testament as well as challenging books such as Experiencing God and More Than a Carpenter.
- The concepts in Experiencing God are life changing. We strongly encourage parents, especially dads, to purchase their own book and complete this study to help in guiding a weekly discussion with the student as well as for personal spiritual growth.
- Participate in service projects chosen and/or developed by the student and the parent-teacher.
- Study world history from Rome to modern times.
- Assignments include reading with comprehension questions, unit quizzes, and map work. Students also create a detailed timeline.
- Christian Church history is integrated with the history studies.
- Enjoy and analyze (from a Christian perspective) literature written during or about historical
periods being studied:
- Julius Caesar
- Beowulf
- Pilgrim's Progress
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Hiding Place
- Animal Farm, and more
- Also read short selections from classic works of British literature such as:
- The Canterbury Tales
- Paradise Lost
- Gulliver's Travels
- Learn how to write a research paper with detailed, step-by-step instructions.
- Develop a wide range of composition skills with topics from literature and history. Write for College is used as a guide for essays and other writing forms.
- Completion of all assigned maps earns 1/4 credit of geography.
- This credit may be combined with the geography included in Year 4, U.S. History 1877 to the Present, to provide up to one credit of geography.
- The lesson plans also include recommendations for completing a fine arts credit.
- We recommend Earth Science through Advanced Biology for a science credit.
- We recommend Saxon Math with one year of Jacobs Geometry for a math credit.
- Fine Arts Elective is included inside the Daily Lesson Plans or look at other options.
- Consider at least two consecutive years of a foreign language during high school.
Add-Ons to Complete Your Curriculum
Package Includes
You will enjoy seeing your kids go through high school with My Father's World! I loved watching my daughter read the entire Old Testament last year.
The way that the program is laid out, there is never a question about what he is supposed to do on any given day. It is a challenging curriculum as well, so it makes him think. This HS curriculum will definitely get him ready for college level work.
My Father's World skims the best of homeschooling methods, the best of reading materials, and the best of study/real world balance. My Father's World combines these three effective paths with God's character focus to create a dynamic opportunity for family growth. Our family was homeschooled together in an eclectic, meaningful, and excellent way. All three of our children used My Father's World from grades 1-12.
Each of our three children, all having very different personalities and learning styles, thrived because the curriculum provided the framework to build a personal, relational education. Our weekly library trips were extremely fruitful as we were directed to timeless, excellent books listed in the "book basket." The children grew to love learning, which was my number one goal. My second goal was to give them the tools and drive to love learning independently.
Anndrea M.
As a new homeschool teacher 11 years ago My Father's World was very appealing to me because it contained everything I needed to teach my child without being worried I was forgetting something. It's a very comprehensive curriculum.
One of the biggest things I appreciate about My Father's World is that every book and every subject is chosen very carefully to present the student with a Biblical worldview. It's precious to be able to have discussions throughout the day about God's creation, who God is according to His word and be able to see that the Lord is over all which ties back to every subject we study. God's World is not compartmentalized.
Julie V.
It's been 13 years since our homeschooling journey began with our first daughter. My Father's World curriculum & staff have assisted & supported our educational goals ever since the beginning. Our daughter graduates this year. We are thankful for the strong academic, moral & faith-based curriculum she has had access to over the years with My Father's World. We plan to continue using the curriculum as we home educate our other 8 children.
Linda N.
We have greatly enjoyed using the My Father’s World materials over the last 12 years. As a former college educator, I appreciated the well-written, well-planned rhythm of the curriculum. My kids have been successfully developing increased independence through each phase of their studies, and as my son heads into college classrooms this fall, I have great confidence in his preparedness for the college experience. Thank you for supplying our family with the materials we’ve needed to give our kids a Biblically-centered, academically-strong education.
Laura W.
World History and Literature is one of Cathy Duffy's 103 Top Picks! See her review.