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World History and Literature DECLARE Coaching
DECLARE Coaching for World History and Literature combines this one-year curriculum for high school with online coaching through a Synergy Mentorship approach. Students will receive 18 bi-weekly group coaching calls, access to a private communication platform with students and coach, quarterly calls with student leaders and more.
World History and Literature Package is required.
How It Works
The years of high school are a big leap in student responsibility. My Father’s World is teaming up with Unbound to ease the transition for both students and parents. DECLARE Coaching is an online Synergy Mentorship approach to accountability that meets every other week. Using our high school curriculum, experienced coaches come alongside students by offering:
- 18 bi-weekly group coaching calls
- Access to a private communication platform with students and coach
- Opportunity to grow in responsibility and planning skills
- Access to a community of like-minded students
- Quarterly calls with the parents to touch base with the coach
- Quarterly Design Your Future calls held with student leaders in the Unbound community to share insight on the struggles and the rewards of life in this season
Parent/Coach Calls
Designed to make your high school homeschooling experience the best and easiest, these quarterly calls develop the partnership between parents and the coach throughout the school year. The coach is also available whenever you have a question or need assistance.Group Coaching
A coach will meet with your student in a group setting every other week to walk through the material they have been studying since the last call, and offer accountability to follow up with goals they set and school assignments that are due. This will help both you and your student stay on top of scheduled school assignments, and as we partner with you to follow up on weekly to-do lists.Design Your Future Calls
Once a quarter, we will feature one or two students to discuss topics like accountability and setting achievable goals, how to study well in a way that fits you, and balancing the communities in your life. These calls allow older students to speak into your student’s life with the lessons learned through their high school and college years.Why DECLARE Coaching
Biblical Worldview
My Father’s World has created a curriculum that fully integrates the God’s Word into every aspect of the education process. DECLARE Coaching is built on the same premise and principles. We believe that education only makes sense in the context of a Biblical worldview. Our goal is to help your child grow in their education and knowledge of God.
For Parents
As you partner with your student through high school, we are here to support you where and how you need it. At the foundation of DECLARE Coaching is the desire to help you navigate this new season of life. Whether you are struggling to find a system, not understanding which assignments are due when, or anything in between, your coach is here to support you! With quarterly calls and an open channel of communication, your coach is here to answer any questions and assist in whatever you need help with academically. In addition to this, your coach will be meeting with your child every other week, which will still leave you in charge of their education while helping bring balance to your schedule.
For Students
As you enter and work through the high school years, it can be difficult to suddenly be more responsible for all of your academics and finishing assignments on time. Your coaching sessions will be done in a group setting that will allow you to interact with other students in the same season of life as you! In addition to these bi-weekly meetings, you will have access to a private messaging platform where you can communicate with the other students and your coach for support, encouragement, accountability, and conversations with like-minded people.