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4th - 8th Grade

Students in 4th - 8th grade (including 2nd and 3rd graders with older siblings) join in the Family Learning Cycle, using the same theme. Each INVESTIGATE theme includes Bible, geography, history, literature, science, music appreciation, and art activities for a range of ages. Once a year is complete, all 2nd - 8th grade children move to the next INVESTIGATE theme and continue learning together. Learn More About the Family Learning Cycle

Teaching Multiple
Children at Once
- Compact Schedule
- Thorough Bible Integration
- Unites the Family
- Hands-On Activities
- Kids Learn from Each Other
- Global Focus
Our Teacher's Manuals explain what level of content should be taught to each child. A 7th grader, for example, completes assignments more thoroughly than a 4th grader while using many of the same resources. This keeps the family together when possible and assures that the parent is only teaching one complete INVESTIGATE curriculum each year.
Where do I Start in the Family Learning Cycle?
- My oldest child is in 2nd grade.
Start with Adventures
in U.S. History
- My oldest child is in 3rd grade.
Start with World Changers
- My oldest child is in 4th - 8th
Start with Exploring
Countries & Cultures

Activities Varied by Age

- 2nd - 3rd grade assignment example: Write 1-2 sentences about the topic.
- 4th - 6th grade assignment example: Write 2-4 paragraphs with more complex sentences.
- 7th - 8th grade assignment example: Write 1-2 pages with more detailed information.

Theme 1
Exploring Countries and Cultures
Take a trip around the world and explore diverse countries and cultures while being challenged by true stories of missionaries. See the physical and spiritual needs of mankind while learning about ecosystems and lifestyles in different parts of the world. Experience different cultures by preparing traditional food, making native crafts, and listening to ethnic music. This foundational year prepares students to view the upcoming study of chronological history with God’s heart and mind.

Theme 2
Creation to the Greeks
Learn how the Biblical account fits in with other civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Babylon. An overview of the Old Testament, which serves as a key history text, allows students to study the Bible and ancient history side by side. Old Testament stories and celebrations come to life as families experience the Old Testament feasts, the 10 plagues, and much more.

Theme 3
Rome to the Reformation
Follow us to the time of Roman civilization. Learn how the Romans set the stage by their Pax Romana for the central event of all history—the birth of Jesus. Gain an overview of the New Testament and the life of Jesus. Follow the development of the church and study the Middle Ages, culminating with the Renaissance and Reformation. Science focuses on the human body and astronomy, viewed from a Biblical perspective.

Theme 4
Exploration to 1850
Explore the New World with Leif Ericsson, Christopher Columbus, and others. Discover the amazing story of the U.S. from colonial times to the California gold rush and learn about the courage and faith of many who came to America. Investigate world history and cultures, and see how U.S. and world history are interrelated. God’s creative hand is revealed through scientific study of plants and animals.

Theme 5
1850 to Modern Times
Enjoy learning U.S. and world history as you solve cryptography puzzles, bake Vietnamese Apricot Coconut Cake, recite the Gettysburg Address, and learn the states and capitals. Read about Hudson Taylor, a pioneer missionary to China, and Sergeant York, a humble mountain man and Christian who became a great World War I hero. A beginning study of chemistry and physics offers many hands-on opportunities to recognize God’s ultimate power in our universe.
The Family Learning Cycle
The Family Learning Cycle solves many time management problems with curriculum packages that can be taught to children at several different grade levels all at the same time. It has several important benefits for your family.