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Ancient History and Literature Daily Lesson Plans

Item #: 96102 
Available: 25.00

Daily lesson plans are in an easy-to-use weekly chart format that lists each subject with the appropriate book titles and page numbers to complete each day.


Ancient History and Literature lesson plans are written to the student for parent-guided independent work. On Fridays, the student and parent have a conference to discuss the week's topics and review completed work. There are 36 weeks of lessons, five days a week, with a somewhat lighter schedule on most Fridays. Parents assign grades based on informal discussions and daily written questions, vocabulary quizzes in the literature program, and essays for English and history. There are no formal tests for history, Bible, or literature. You will need to add science, math, and electives such as foreign language.


Ancient History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

Throughout the year, our pre-planned lessons guide the student through the entire Old Testament, while applying its truths to their lives with insightful questions and discussions.

Students develop composition skills and analyze literary classics from a Christian perspective with invigorating vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking questions.

My Father's World believes Ancient History and Literature is critical to a biblical scope and sequence, integrating Old Testament readings with the study of ancient cultures and literature.

Your Price:

Ancient History and Literature plus DECLARE Coaching combines this one-year curriculum for high school with online coaching through a Synergy Mentorship approach. Students will receive 18 bi-weekly group coaching calls, access to a private communication platform with students and coach, quarterly calls with student leaders and more. Parents are responsible for grading assignments and assigning final grades.

This package integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits). Our pre-planned lessons guide the student through the entire Old Testament, while applying its truths to their lives with insightful questions and discussions. Ancient History and Literature is critical to a biblical scope and sequence, integrating Old Testament readings with the study of ancient cultures and literature.

Your Price:

Ancient History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

Throughout the year, our pre-planned lessons guide the student through the entire Old Testament, while applying its truths to their lives with insightful questions and discussions.

Students develop composition skills and analyze literary classics from a Christian perspective with invigorating vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking questions.

My Father's World believes Ancient History and Literature is critical to a biblical scope and sequence, integrating Old Testament readings with the study of ancient cultures and literature.
