Heroes of the Faith

Item #: 17800 
Available: 30.00

Gene Fedele

ISBN: 9780882709593

Within the pages of this book you will find a generation by generation account of the lives of great and godly men and women who have changed the world for Christ, from the time our great Master walked the earth to the present day. These heroes of our faith were appointed by God and granted supernatural courage and strength to stand up against tyranny and unbelief, and carry the torch of divine truth in splendor and victory.


Inspiring stories and compelling biographical sketches of 70 Heroes of the Faith affecting the course of history, regardless of the obstacles.

Read about those who have gone before you to carry forth the Gospel in powerful ways, demonstrating what the hand of God can do with humble men and women of all ages who choose to do His will.

You will be inspired by their faith . . .

For more than twenty centuries, Christianity has fought against almost every conceivable form of human sin and corruption. All the energies of the powers of darkness have combined against it in unholy alliances, kings, clergy, philosophers, and the faithless have swelled the ranks of unbelief and irreligion, but all in vain.

Christianity has steadily triumphed over all opposition, and has never before been filled with such power as today. Hardly a country, a city, or a town has not at least heard of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, who came to seek and save the lost.

Within the pages of this book you will find a generation by generation account of the lives of great and godly men and women who have changed the world for Christ, from the time our great Master walked the earth to the present day. These heroes of our faith were appointed by God and granted supernatural courage and strength to stand up against tyranny and unbelief, and carry the torch of divine truth in splendor and victory.

Today, Christianity, triumphant over all the conflicts of centuries, has built upon the example of its "heroes." It shines brighter, clearer and with more world-wide healing in its beams than ever before.

As you read the pages of this book, let your mind run through the list of these great and godly men and women, "the cloud of witnesses," and find divine encouragement to persevere in your daily walk in Christ amidst the trials and suffering of this world. And may the eyes of your heart receive glimpses of the world to come.


  • Historical and inspirational biographies.
  • More than 100 illustrations from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • Each biography includes a list of writings by and of the individual.

World History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

As students journey through the curriculum's pre-planned daily lessons, they will experience spiritual growth as they read the entire New Testament and other thought-provoking Christian literature.

Students will also engage in readings and analysis of classic literature written in or about the historical period being studied while learning valuable research and composition methods.
