God Owns My Business

Item #: 19805 
Available: 98.00

Stanley Tam

ISBN: 9781600663406

Learn what happens when a man give his business to God. Follow the story of Stanley Tam and be inspired to steward your whole life for God's honor.


"I believe tenaciously in the possibility of a man linking his life to God. i believe this to be the only truly good life, the kind of life within the grasp of every man, if he will simply and honestly endeavor to meet God's conditions."

For Stanley Tam, those conditions entailed formally and legally signing his business over to God. To say that he has met with success thanks to this decision would be a significant understatement - Stanley Tam's businesses are large and profitable, giving well over a million dollars to missions annually.

However, this is more than just a book about a successful businessman. God Owns My Business is the chronicle of how an average person can, with God's guidance and a willing heart, succeed in any endeavor.

May encouragement and renewal come to your own quest for the good and full life as you read God Owns My Business.


U.S. History 1877 to the Present with economics, English, history, and Bible (3 full-year credits) is a one-year curriculum intended for 12th grade, to follow U.S. History to 1877.

Students will complete their study of United States history and delve into national and international events from a Christian perspective.

They will also refine their oral communication skills to be effective communicators for God's Kingdom and study economics and biblical financial principles.
