Loving God

Item #: 19804 
Available: 78.00

Charles Colson

ISBN: 9780310219149

In this classic, you will examine the cost of being a Christian and the meaning of the first and greatest commandment: loving God. This masterpiece on Christian living remains as relevant today as when it was first published.


In this magnificent classic, Chuck Colson shakes the church from its complacency with a penetrating look at the cost of being Christian.

For those who have wondered whether there isn't more to Christianity than what they have known - and for those who have never considered the question - Loving God points the way to faith's cutting edge. Here is compelling, probing look at the cost of discipleship and the meaning of the first and greatest commandment - one that will strum a deeper, truer chord within even as it strips away the trappings of shallow, cultural Christianity.


U.S. History 1877 to the Present with economics, English, history, and Bible (3 full-year credits) is a one-year curriculum intended for 12th grade, to follow U.S. History to 1877.

Students will complete their study of United States history and delve into national and international events from a Christian perspective.

They will also refine their oral communication skills to be effective communicators for God's Kingdom and study economics and biblical financial principles.
