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Building a City On a Hill
Gary DeMar
ISBN: 9780915815517
Follow the political and religious history of the colonization of America. From the beginnings of Roanoke and Jamestown to the founding of the thirteen colonies, delve into this foundational time in U.S. history.
With 208 full-color pages, Building a City on a Hill presents the story of America's founding and early years up through the Great Awakening. Every colony is studied, something that few textbooks tackle, explaining how it was possible that thirteen diverse colonies came together to establish a union of states to make "one nation under God."

Explore the New World with Leif Ericsson, Christopher Columbus, and others. Discover the amazing story of the U.S. from colonial times to the California gold rush in this year-long curriculum for 4th-8th grade.
Learn about the courage and faith of many who came to America. Help children understand man's struggles in world exploration as your family memorizes the book of James.